01 June, 2013

We did it!! Hyogo Friendship Garden is officially open!!

It was a very chilly morning, but the sun shone brightly and a wonderful crowd turned out to see the official opening of Hyogo Friendship Garden on Friday, May 31, 2013. The garden, which is located in the prestigious parliamentary precinct in front of Dumas House, is built in the traditional Japanese dry rock style, but using the modern influence of the unique Awaji clay tile. The whole landscape is designed to reflect Hyogo with the rings of tiles representative of the whirlpools near Awaji island. Premier Barnett spoke warmly at the opening and declared his great appreciation of Hyogo's garden gift, which was presented in reciprocation of the 4 gifted koalas from WA on the occasion of the 30th anniversary. Hyogo Prefecture's Vice Governor, Mr Yoshimoto, accompanied by 7 other delegation members from Hyogo, was very proud to officially present the garden to Western Australia. The garden is open to the public so please make sure you make time to go and see it soon!